Saturday, February 20, 2010


There comes a time when one needs a hand out in the battlefield and that time is now, well actually it was a couple days...but its official. sN. and [IR*] (Intel Rockstars) are now partners and will be hosting "Server Nights." genpatton7 and I have been discussing and working out the schedule and we've finalized the days of "Server Nights." You can check out the details on our forums. Again, we'd like to thank everyone at [IR*] for this special moment in sN. history. You can check out [IR*]'s site on this link

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Game Day Events

Well its been quite some time since I've updated the contents...was a bit too excited when Bioshock 2 came out and played the game for nearly 20 hrs straight...Anyways, after the chaos of no sleep for nearly 2 days, sN. has been communicating and interacting with another community/clan called Intel Rockstars [IR*]. and we've both decided to help each other out and affiliate to make both our communities grow. Genpatton7 (Ian) has been helping me out with technical difficulties on our server and our server is better than ever! Many thanks to Ian on that. We had some thoughts and came up with a conclusion of having game day events which will be every other day sN. and [IR*] will join together and play on either Super Nifty servers or Intel Rockstars servers to help us get traffic and new players! We've officially started it tonight but will be continuing it later on again tonight (Friday 10pm PST). Come join us later on tonight and help support sN. and [IR*]!

In some other news thats not really new but sort of is, Joe has came up with the idea of making one last map test final for his map CP_Showdown which will now be changed to KOTH_Showdown, so if you're interested in joining the map test date, leave a comment below or post on our forums. Release date of his map is currently not set till further notice but keep an eye out for set dates!

Just one more reminds, Super Nifty's Sniper's Tournament is just around the corner. It's free to enter and gonna be tons of fun and will have free steam prizes to the last man standing! Sign up on our forums to enter and check out this link for more details about the tournament.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Contribute and receive admin capabilities!

Super Nifty has decided to grant those with admin power if they are willing to contribute for our community and having friends and fellow members join our group and play on our servers. The only thing we look for is players that can honor their admin powers once they've received it. So no muckin' around slaying people and turning people into human rockets. We want everyone in our servers to have fun and enjoy their stay. So if you're interested and would like to receive admin, sign up on our forums and post on specified admin event and everything should fall through there!

In other news, Koalamugger has added and update his map and is soon to become official! Not only that, he's created a faster and much easier way to download his map. His map is now downloadable via link below:
Koala's Map
We will have a map test coming up real soon and we're hoping to have players join us. An event will be posted in the near future about another map test night.

As February is just beginning, we still need players for the Sniper's Tournament and the deadline is coming up in a couple more weeks. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for the tournament! There's prizes to be won!

Friday, January 29, 2010

New Servers!

So Joe aka Koalamugger managed to get us a 32 slot server and now we were wondering what map should be on 24/7....well thats where you come in! We need YOU to nominate a map and what YOU think should be played on our server 24/7! Sign up on our forums and let us now what map should be played. Link is on the right or you can just click

Old server will be up for a couple more weeks so its recommended to add our new server:

As we are expanding and meeting new friends, we've talked to some old friends as well. Our good old pal Greg, aka Stiv, has joined Super Nifty and has given the community a Left 4 Dead 2 Server! Greatly appreciated Stiv and as of now he will be in charge of L4D2 division. Also he is setting up a competitive L4D2 team, so if you play Left 4 Dead 2 and would like to seek on how to join Super Nifty L4D2 division, you may speak to Stiv about how you can join!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sniper's Tournament!

Super Nifty has set an official date on the Sniper's Tournament. It will be held Friday February 26th at 9pm PST. View poster above for event info. More details will be posted on our Steam Page. Temporary enlisting will be held on our Steam Page until we have our forums up and running.


Headshots will ONLY be acceptable. We have disabled bodyshots so make every shot count. Huntsman will not be available to use. Rifles will only be used. Use of Kukri, Huntsman or Smg results in disqualification. You'll just have to duke it out with rifles in close range. Once again this tournament is a HEADSHOTS ONLY tournament.

24 man death match. There will be a total of 24 players competing. Those who drop out will be able to rejoin and continue from whatever points they left off but will have to catch up with the rest of the players. Keep it in mind that we want it to be a fair and clean fight so please don't turn on your hacks :)

Total of 4 maps on rotation. There's going to be 4 different maps in the tournament. On some maps there's players that are ONLY good on that map so we've decided to twist things up a bit and add a map rotation. First map will be 2fort, second map will be lumberyard, third map will be nucleus, and fourth map will be a custom map made by Koalamugger.

15mins on each map. There will be 15 minutes held on each map of the 4 maps we have chosen and at the end of each map, refs will rally up the scores and keep track of the player's points. By the end of map 4, we will announce the winner of the Sniper's Tournament.

Winner will receive the grand prize. We will announce the prize once we have a winner. If there happens to be a tie for 1st place, we will have a final 15 minute round on a random map between the two players that tied for first place. From there we will have the actual winner of the tournament.

If you would like to enlist for the tournament, visit our steam group for enlisting information. Steam Group link is on the right hand side of this page or

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mini Test

The sN crew just had a mini game on the server to test out the latest update of the maps add-ons and touch-ups. It was an eventful night and I would like to thank those who participated in the game. It definitely helped us out on how we can better the map and i'd like to thank those for the comments about the map. Koala greatly appreciates the positive feedback considering he input a lot of time and effort onto this map. Thanks Koala! Now that we've done some map testing, we'll more likely to have another one in the future when Koala fix and adds certain things to the map and have more people test it to see how it will do in an enormous amount of players.

Sniping Tournament! I've just confirmed that the tournament will be held sometime at the end of February or after. More details about the tournament will be released in the very near future, but if you're interested now, you can speak with either Frisc0, Koala or Emmeleia about the event or you can just leave a comment below. Thats all for now, stay tuned for more information!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Afilliation Support

Just spoke with a good friend of mine, Emmeleia, from New Zealand and explained a brief summary about what Super Nifty is. Says that we might be a good mix with another team from her forum Chronoclasm. Team is called NTAU, a community that truly supports the Half Life 2 Modification Neotokyo. Members consist of casual and competitive players, some graphic designers, web designers and even one of the developers who made Neotokyo . Sounds like a good idea if NTAU and sN affiliated and became friends :) I'll be going over some more of the information some time this week or the week after. School just started and I've got projects to start working on...

In other news Em and I will be setting up Super Nifty's Forum in the near future and it will be located on Chronoclasm's site. Aside from that you should check out their site @

Sometimes this month or the next Super Nifty will be holding a 6v6 Sniping Tournament on Super Nifty Server:

So if you think you're the best sniper on your team or just get called out for hacking capping headshot after headshot, be on the look out for Super Nifty's Sniping Tournament!